The memorandum with national archive of Korea
10.11.2016 1520
In the period from 24 to 28 October 2016, on the invitation on the National Archive RK was held the visit of the director of the Archive of the President RK Dzhaparov Boris to South Korea

The program of visit was to the maximum rich with business contacts and meetings. The visits of the archive institutions of Korea were accompanied with excursions, discussion of common professional issues.

The main event of the visit became the signing of the Memorandum on mutual understanding and cooperation between National Archive of the Republic of Korea and Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conclusion of the Memorandum will conduce to the exchange of experience and knowledge on the development of the archive management, aimed at the organization of common events, methodical seminars, scientific conferences, preparation of documental collections, organization of the courses of the advanced studies of archivists and so on. Memorandum was signed by the President of National archive of the Republic of Korea Li Sang Jing and director of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dzhaparov Boris Alikenovich

During the visit of the archive institutions Korean colleagues demonstrated the newest result in the field of automatization and computerization of archive processes. Today, National archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the most technically provided archives in the world in which the newest IT-developments are implanted, proposed technologies of automatization of the working place of archivist, users are presented the wide opportunities of the access to the archive information.

Specialized building of the Archive was brought into exploitation on the threshold of XVIII International congress of archives which was held in September 2016 in Seoul. Korean colleagues are interested in the development of collaboration with archives of Kazakhstan, realization of united scientific-research projects on the history of deportation of the Koreans of the Far East to Kazakhstan. Special interest was expressed by colleagues in the exposure of lists of Japanese war prisoners of the times of the Second world war. As it is known, in Kvantun army there were the military men - ethnic Koreans, whose fate as part of united Korean people is left little known. Kazakhstan archivists are ready to help fully in the study of these and other issues.

The formation of professional contacts between archivists of Kazakhstan and Korea, cultural exchange and mutual understanding of specialists make contribution to the strengthening of friendly relations between countries and response to their tasks of strategic partnership of states.


On the materials of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Translated by Malika MURSALIM