History of Kazakhstan
01.08.2013 1411
Creation of uniform transport system in the republic.
01.08.2013 1532
Growth of working class, its role and place in social structure of the republic.
01.08.2013 962
Beginning and character of the war. Mobilization of forces to repel the enemy.
01.08.2013 1103
Creation of military economy.
01.08.2013 1561
Auls and rural areas in Kazakhstan during the New Economic Policy
01.08.2013 2991
Collectivization in Kazakhstan
01.08.2013 3205
Industrial development of Kazakhstan in 1921-1940.
01.08.2013 1198
Kazakhstan after falling of imperial autocracy.
01.08.2013 1547
Participation of the population of edge in the Russian revolution of 1905-1907.
31.07.2013 2019
Material culture of Kazakhs. Customs and ceremonies.
30.07.2013 2150
The main stages, results and problems of liberation movements in the period of accession of Kazakhstan to Russia
30.07.2013 2843
Revolt under leadership of Isatay Taymanov and Makhambet Utemisov
30.07.2013 1549
Tendencies of social and economic development.
30.07.2013 1072
The crisis phenomena in agriculture.
30.07.2013 1850
People standard of living: tendencies and contradictions.