History of Kazakhstan
27.08.2013 781
Astana – Strategy of Success
27.08.2013 702
Features of new social policy during the post-crisis period
27.08.2013 840
State system of ensuring economic safety
27.08.2013 1698
Social and economic guarantees and differentiation of the distributive relations
27.08.2013 1783
Rock carvings of Semirechya
24.08.2013 1214
The new socioeconomic priorities, initiated by the “Kazakhstan -2050”Strategy” Program Koshanov A.K.,
24.08.2013 1796
The principal directions of the system-related modernization of Kazakhstan
24.08.2013 1280
Priorities of development of the human capital in the conditions of innovative industrialization of Kazakhstan
24.08.2013 1031
Innovative breakthrough scenario of economic development: opportunities and realization prospects in Kazakhstan
24.08.2013 1085
Conscious choice of the people
23.08.2013 2924
Kazakhstan in the period of the Great Patriotic War
23.08.2013 1458
Bronze era (XXVI-VIIIVV. BC)
23.08.2013 2633
Monuments of Kazakhstan in the Bronze Age
23.08.2013 1565
"Problems and prospects of post-crisis development of economy of Kazakhstan"
23.08.2013 1201
Strategic directions of development of Kazakhstan as basis of successes of social and economic reforms