If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

International Conference devote to 20th anniversary of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan will be held at Eurasian National University (ENU)

 International Conference devote to 20th anniversary of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan will be held at Eurasian National University (ENU) - e-history.kz
On April 8, the International scientific and practical conference “Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and its role in consolidation of Kazakhstan society” will be host at ENU.

Topical and important issues related to ethno-politics, international relationship in cultural sphere and formation of tolerance in globalization era will be discussed. The conference will be held in following areas:

— History of ethno-democratic processes in Kazakhstan;
— Assembly of People of Kazakhstan (APK) as unique public institute;
— Scientific and methodical support of APK’s work: activities of departments, scientific centers of APK;
— International community and Assembly of People of Kazakhstan;
— World experience of an ethno-policy. Multiculturalism.

Representatives of Assemblies of People of Kazakhstan, ambassadors of different countries, scientists, public figures, teachers and staff of universities, research centers and ethno-cultural centers are planned to participate in the conference.

Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.

To publish materials of conference it is necessary to send filled registration form in the enclosed form and article no more than 7 pages in A4 format, typed in Microsoft Office Word (2003, 2007, 2010) to the following e-mail: kafedra_ank.enu@mail.ru before March 31, 2015. Each article should be sent by separate letter and include only one work. The letter and attached file is called by the name of author of article. The scientific article should correspond to a conference subject, be original, have a scientific novelty, validity of assumptions, grammatically correct and correspond to the requirements given below.

Requirements for the materials:

  • Fonts Times New Roman, KZ Times New Roman (12 pt); interval — single, margins: upper — 2.5 cm, lower — 3 cm, right — 2 cm, paragraph indent — 1 cm;
  • On top of the page — the name of the report in capital and bold letters, underneath, single -spaced, surname and initials of the author, place of work and the city with lowercase letters and in bold, then, through single-spaced interval will be the text;
  • Formulas should be made in equation editor of Microsoft Equation, the figures (black and white, without shades), scanned in JPEG and JPG format at least 300 dpi.
  • The list of the used literature should be at the end of the text and typed according to a list order. Links to literature in the text are in the «square» brackets, in the form of number corresponding to number of this work in the list of references. It is necessary to specify the page of the source in the links. For example: [1, p.12].



A. Zhakupova
Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov, Astana
Text of report………………………………………………………

Materials should be given in edited form in compliance with all requirements. The Organizing Committee has the right to reject materials which do not respond to the standards of design and subject of conference.


First name__________________________________________________________
Last name__________________________________________________________
Academic degree, rank________________________________________________
Name of report______________________________________________________
Name of report______________________________________________________
Sphere ____________________________________________________________

Address of the organizing committee:

Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov,
Department of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Room 241,
Mirzoyan St. 2, Astana,
Contacts: 8 (7172) 709–500 (internal number 31–213),
Zhanatayeva Asemgul Executive secretary
