If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Remember for future

Remember for future - e-history.kz
One of the main aims of the event was honoring the memory of victims of political repressions.

On May 30, 2016, a round table «Remember for future» dedicated to Political Repression Victims’ Commemoration Day was held at National Art Gallery, this day is officially celebrated on May 31 by the Decree of President of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev dated from April 5, 1997. 


 The aim of the event was honoring the memory of victims of political repressions, formation of values, revival of national memory and transfer of historical experience to future generations. 

 The descendants of the repressed shared their memories at the meeting and library research service staff of National Art Gallery «Astana» and invited guests gave reports with presentations. The audience listened to stories about the repressed artists who contributed to the development of fine arts in Kazakhstan. Also, the exhibition of Alzhir museum exhibits, book presentation dedicated to the history of deportation and political repressions were held within the framework of round table. 


 The round table was attended by Bakhyt Aralbayevna — a daughter of Nuralina Sharifa, victim of political repressions, «Alzhir» museum staff, Chairman of Astana Artists’ Union T.Ermekov, Head of Astana Artists’ Union K.Aitmyrza, member of Astana Artists’ Union L.Tyan, whose works reflect the theme of political repressions.
