If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

In 1990 N. Nazarbayev was elected as the President of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic

Today is the birthday of Halel Dosmukhamedov

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In 1854 Vernyi fortress was based

Vernyi – oblast city of Semirechensk oblast located at the river Almatinka near northern foot of Zailiisk Ala Tau, it was founded for the defence from raids of mountainous Kara-Kirgizs, at the location of being here before the settlement of Alma-Aty (Yablonnoe). The castle was first administrative center of Alatau region Semipalatinsk oblast, but with the institution of Turkestan military district and formation of Semirechensk oblast was formed into administrative center of oblast and got the name of the city of Vernyi.