History in 5 minutes
01.06.2016 1171
Personalities in history: North Kazakhstan
15.04.2016 1402
APK: Chronicle of history over the past years of independence
04.02.2016 1477
Holodomor in Kazakhstan. New terrible facts were found in the archives
29.01.2016 1087
Another Kazakhstan. Mangistau
28.01.2016 2122
Interethnic solidarity of Kazakhstan during the years of the Great Patriotic War
27.01.2016 1864
A new look at military history of ancient and medieval Kazakhstan
26.01.2016 1179
Astana in terms of the historical discourse of Kazakhstan
25.01.2016 1441
Reforms of Kenesary-khan towards the creation of an independent state
22.01.2016 1309
Traditional life in the steppe: Kazakh signs and beliefs – from cradle to the old age
15.12.2015 1910
The 170th anniversary of Abai: the path of Abai and his disciples
26.10.2015 1714
The revival of traditional archery in Kazakhstan
19.10.2015 2055
Legend about the mountain Kazygurt
15.10.2015 1248
“Kily zhol” historical staging was held
13.10.2015 859
“Kazak alemi”. Ethnic village under the open sky
13.10.2015 1064
The Head of the State N.A.Nazarbayev has attended an opening of the archaeological park